One of the most costly phrases in business is “because we have always done it that way”. It is very easy to get into a routine, and many times these routines last for years and become more of a ritual than a routine. Sales can slide and margins can deteriorate, yet many times we can’t see the obvious because the business processes that “worked for years” just can’t be the culprit in problems that have surfaced today.
American business places a tremendous emphasis on measuring results rather than planning and process mapping. It is therefore no surprise that the average small business is very weak in this area. Many industries have forced their supplier base to develop engineered business processes as a qualification for retaining supplier contracts, but it is a shame that business have to be forced into this practice since solid business engineering practices can bring more money to the bottom line than any one discipline within a company.
We perform Business Process Engineering by carefully analyzing what processes are being performed today and determining where inherent weaknesses might be in the process. We then work with your management team to modify the current processes and to develop tools and systems that will ensure that these changes can be carefully monitored and measured in the future. When carefully applied, even minor changes can make tremendous differences in productivity and bottom line profits.